Unturned Status

Discussion in 'News Archive' started by Cory, May 4, 2019.

  1. Over the past few years. JustPlayHere has been doing just fine on its own and didn’t really need any type of funding because I was funding it out of my own pocket. Unfortunately, due to unforeseen issues. I’m no longer able to do so and I’d like to continue to keep the network alive as much and as long as we can.

    So, In the next few days, I’ll be rolling out things that can be purchased from our store as one-time purchases in hopes you guys in the community will help us keep the servers alive.

    If it comes to where I can no longer keep the servers operational. The site will stay online and the servers will be backup up and hopefully be restored at a later date. Although, with the Unturned updates for Unturned II. A lot of changes may be coming anyway that may require a complete reset.

    Hopefully, nothing comes to shutting anything down and as a network, we can strive to keep our servers online.

    If you have any ideas about what you would like to see in the rollout, please post them below!

    Kind Regards,
    - Cory
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1

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