A new ban report has been created for Yeah Nah. Username Code: Yeah Nah SteamID64 Code: 76561198399090100 Unturned Server Code: PvE7 Banned Reason Code: Griefing Banned Reason Other Code: Witness List Code: Screenshot(s) Witness List Code: Ban Details Code: Not many details to add here, he came, asked what car I had, I replied and then he went nuts on it with a Honeybadger. Here's a screenshot: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198303167335/screenshot/868481724754375985
Your profile is set to private, therefore the link to the screenshot returns an error. Please upload the original screenshot to the forums.
The screenshot does not show the player's name and therefor we can not be sure that it is the guy you reported on the single screenshot. The screenshot does not show that the vehicle is locked and no sign is shown. I will Deny this report for the reason that the evidence is insufficent. If you have any questions or if you have additional evidence then please do not hesitate to send me a PM. - Jolle