A new ban report has been created for VERT1GO. Username Code: VERT1GO SteamID64 Code: 76561198396940660 Unturned Server Code: PvP8 Banned Reason Code: Stealing, Griefing, Threats Banned Reason Other Code: Witness List Code: Player Witness, Screenshot(s) Witness List Code: ClumsyAlliance420 Ban Details Code: Hi, please, I'm asking you to give a ban on this guy he's stealing the houses of others, he's already in mine and he almost steals and he threatens to steal me anyway he also puts up stairs to climb over my house please can not have photos With me but help I can even take a photo where he put his stairs to climb over my house.
Insufficient evidence in these screenshots. Staff did find other evidence while checking the servers. Vert1go won't be returning.