A new ban report has been created for Torbjörn. Username Code: Torbjörn SteamID64 Code: 76561198113750223 Unturned Server Code: PvP10 Banned Reason Code: Disrespecting Banned Reason Other Code: Abusing Mod Powers Witness List Code: Player Witness Witness List Code: Little Timmy Ban Details Code: Not really saying you should ban him, just maybe demote him, he has been teleporting to me and killing me. I murdered him once he attempted to kill me, then he teleported to me again, picked up his stuff, and went right back to killing me. Luckily he was nice to give my stuff back but while i was picking up my stuff he teleported a player to kill me. He also assisted the player by trying to break a tree i was hiding behind while being invincible. Then i quit, so thats the story, thanks. (P.S) He messes with my friend (Little Timmy) by throwing tons of smokes in our base, removing stuff from storages and putting it on the floor. Not to much but hey, its annoying.
Staff abuse accusations are not taken lightly. Please PM one of our Sr. Mods or Cory, and provide any screenshots you may have to help. Thank you