A new ban report has been created for RomcharD. Username Code: RomcharD SteamID64 Code: 76561198330782545 Unturned Server Code: PvE1 Banned Reason Code: Griefing Banned Reason Other Code: Witness List Code: Screenshot(s) Witness List Code: Ban Details Code: Screenshot album - http://imgur.com/a/zIGE3 I was heading to my base after doing some farming at Summerset Military Base when I heard some explosions and saw a tree falling, so I went over to see and found these guys having blown a hole in this base and fooling around inside. I don't know if they stole anything because I went back to my base after taking the screenshots, but I heard another explosion while walking away.
I can't see any weapons that can damage buildings on these pictures or any evidence off him stealing or breaking stuff. This ban report shall be denied for insufficient evidence. I will keep an eye on him since he have 1 Prior