Rejected Player Ban Report for Nut sauce request by xxbizartinkgamingxx

Discussion in 'Rejected' started by xxbizartinkgamingxx, Nov 11, 2017.

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  1. A new ban report has been created for Nut sauce.

    Nut sauce
    Unturned Server
    Banned Reason
    Disrespecting, Arguing/Fighting, Chat Trolling, Stealing, Impersonation, Threats, Other
    Banned Reason Other
    Lied to 4 people
    Witness List
    Player Witness
    Witness List
    purpleslurpy, ninjafox450
    Ban Details
    Lied, Threaned to destroy,
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  2. did you ban him?
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  3. He forgot to mention he and his friends were following me around and punching and shooting me on PvE. Also he wanted people to report me which I have attached screenshots of that. It all started when I told him he can only have 1 building per group. He has 2 SEPERATE buildings.

    Attached Files:

  4. Why is It not showing server?
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  5. We need original, unedited screenshots of the violation which is alleged.
  6. As you can imagine it was a little hard to get screenshots considering I didn't know I needed to. But I managed to get this of him driving on our base after we had told him to stop because the engine of the car was earrape :p

    Attached Files:

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  7. Also you can see one of the people I put as a witness in the back at Clearwater campground.
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  8. Request has been Rejected...not enough evidence provided
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