A new ban report has been created for JayFrass ELITE. Username Code: JayFrass ELITE SteamID64 Code: 76561198163059085 (corrected by {WC}PistolPete) Unturned Server Code: PvP9 Banned Reason Code: Disrespecting, Impersonation, Threats, Hacking/Cheating Banned Reason Other Code: Hack's Witness List Code: Player Witness Witness List Code: Achurras Ban Details Code: One guy, who was VIP stepped through the map of Russia with cute hacks killing everyone. I try to kill him by damaging the car with the inside and he does not die, it comes out as if nothing. Then he kills me with a shot, then I shoot him several times in the head and he does not die, he just jumps happy for life killing me after another 3 shots and he says "Im hacker" then appears on my back I do not know like nothing and when I realize it shoots me. APPEARS ON MY BACK ON THE EDGE OF NOTHING. This user is Jayfrass ELITE. Ban permant please. Sorry my English I do not know the player idsteam
Here you go buddy http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198163059085/ I enjoyed reading that XD. 90% of what is said here isnt true but it was a good laugh