A new ban report has been created for Destroyer. Username Code: Destroyer SteamID64 Code: 76561198267527738 Unturned Server Code: PvE1 Banned Reason Code: Griefing Banned Reason Other Code: Witness List Code: Screenshot(s) Witness List Code: Ban Details Code: Blew up my car as I was scavenging through Charlottetown. He followed me for a bit when I came there, then left me alone. When I was going back to my car, I saw him hitting it and it starting to burn. Then it exploded, he ran away and logged off. Didn't get any proper screenshots of him, other than while he was running away after blowing up the car. Though you can only barely see him between the trees...
Unfortunately, though your screenshots are insufficient to warrant a ban. Screenshot evidence needs to clearly show both the griefer and the structure/vehicle they are destroying, beyond reasonable doubt. If you have more screenshots please contact me. G