A new ban report has been created for cs_csgo_go. Username Code: cs_csgo_go SteamID64 Code: 76561198283411980 Unturned Server Code: PvE1 Banned Reason Code: Disrespecting, Stealing, Griefing Banned Reason Other Code: Destroying vehicles on two occasions, Griefing Witness List Code: Player Witness, Screenshot(s) Witness List Code: [S.W.A.T] : Pvt Ryan, Kckid189 Ban Details Code: Destroying cars, attacking structures http://prnt.sc/boduq7 (kdkid standing infront of him as he tried to destroy our base)
More proof: http://prntscr.com/boz98j After he destroyed "rimi66" Car Third day he's been online destroying cars, hard to report him because I never see him.
Unfortunately the screenshots don't show him actually causing damage by striking or firing upon the vehicle. All we need is one more to that effect.