A new ban report has been created for βλ★DUGO. Username Code: βλ★DUGO (DUGO) SteamID64 Code: 76561198115765644 Unturned Server Code: PvE9 Banned Reason Code: Griefing, Other Banned Reason Other Code: unsuccessful attempt to destroy my vehicle and destruction of plates on apc Witness List Code: Screenshot(s) Witness List Code: my friend czareQ and friends Dugo or scopon8r and someone else but I do not know nick Ban Details Code: if I did something wrong I apologize but I come from Polish and poorly understand English. I know that is apc armored but fired a large caliber. Udoało me to escape but in my opinion should get punishment. and yet here is a link with the discharge of the screen because it inadvertently removed it from kopmutera but threw it to the Internet. And yet here is a link with the discharge of the screen because my friend did it because I fled my apc because I wanted to save him : http://imgur.com/lkFAD4D
We need one more screenshot that shows his name with the character name while he's near the APC. I can see a player shooting but I can't tell who that might be. The screenshot posted to imgur has no date or timestamp so I can not consider that as part of the evidence in this request. The other two screenshots are also 19 minutes apart. A lot of damage can be done in 19 minutes by those other than the named suspect. I'll have to mark this as insufficient evidence because of the extreme amount of time between screenshots.