Our Dear Friend Itsjustmemommy

Discussion in 'News' started by Georgia, Aug 13, 2019.

  1. It is with heavy hearts that {WC}PistolPete and I, along with the rest of the JPH Staff, inform you, the JPH Community, of the passing of former Jr. Moderator Itsjustmemommy on 12 August 2019. The servers won't be the same without her. In just over two years she amassed 1553.2 hours with the JPH community. We will miss her.

    For her contributions as a Jr. Moderator, and to the JPH community as a whole, we have posthumously promoted her to the position of [Honorary Mod].

    We offer our deepest condolences to TaintedShadow and dwpmcg.

    I will be leaving this thread open for those of you who wish to pay your respects in the comment section.

    Attached Files:

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