Griefers on PVE #9

Discussion in 'General' started by Jake1379, Jan 20, 2017.

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  1. This is the second day in a row. every night when I log back on I find my base has been griefed again and all of my lockers, doors, beds and our vehicle destroyed. I am not the only one experiencing this, and on behalf of everyone on PVE #9, we would appreciate a quick resolution to this. I have been on PVE #9 and in the Teamspeak looking for moderators or admin and will be whenever I can until this is resolved
  2. The servers aren't staffed 24x7. We never said they would be. It's a survival game and some features, even in PVE mode, remain by Nelson's design. If you see someone griefing, or notice a new or familiar name on the server, just screenshot the player list and shoot us a note to watch a possible griefer. If you actually screenshot a griefing in progress please file a ban request and upload the screenshot. One screenshot must show the offender with a visible name. Others should show the actual offense. A screenshot of the palyer list with a mouse-over revealing the offender's steam name also helps.
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