Insufficient Evidence Grief/fresh spawn killer

Discussion in 'Insufficient Evidence' started by sammy, Nov 15, 2015.

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  1. Hi I think this is where we post this but I'll get straight to the point a guy called


    Went around the whole map killing EVERY CAR and every zombies and when evicted he just ran off. here's some screen shots
    And sorry there not that good but one shows him doing the crime!

    Attached Files:

    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. I am also in the picture standing in front of him, he also blew my car up for no reason, Exodyy is also a witness to everything.
  3. Due to insufficient evidence this ban has been rejected and the player will not be banned.

    Please be sure to take screenshot(s), video(s) or have witnesses and fill out the form.

    - The car in the back round is not destroyed and killing zombies is allowed.

    Best of luck,
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