Ban Appeal: Albert_Hoffman_420

Discussion in 'Ban Appeal' started by Albert_Hoffman_420, Aug 3, 2022.

  1. Ban Appeal: Albert_Hoffman_420
    • Username
      • Albert_Hoffman_420
    • SteamID64
      • 76561199235333413
    • Banned Location
      • Unturned
    • Banned Date
      • Aug 3, 2022 at 12:30 AM
    • Official Reason
      • Use c4
    • Requested Reduction
      • Remove Ban

      Estuve jugando unturned en el server 7 y quise probar el c4 por primera vez, nunca he usado el c4 y había crafteado uno para ver como era su función, encontré una estructura incompleta sin bandera de Claim o letreros que indiqué que algún jugador vivía allí, puse el c4 y simplemente lo saqué del servidor prohibido, la estructura estaba ubicada detrás de la base militar olímpica, realmente no tenía idea de que no podía usar el c4 ya que solo había ingresado al servidor para divertido, nunca vi que había una página donde estaban las reglas, ojalá pueda recuperar mi cuenta porque es el servidor puedo jugar con mi mejor amigo y tengo muchas cosas en mi casa

      La estructura está detrás de la base militar de olympia y no tiene ninguna bandera de reclamo o letrero con nombres para mostrar :(, no tengo capturas de pantalla

      Additional Information
      Mi base está en la base militar izquierda en las montañas.
  2. Translated:
    I can not address your ban appeal since I was the staff member who placed the ban, but I can provide some important information.

    Every server, unless you are running your own or a single player game, has rules. Some are written, some are not. Ours are prominently displayed.

    It is the responsibility of every player to read and follow the server rules. By playing on our servers you agree to read and follow those rules. They are in place to allow for fair gameplay and to keep the servers stable. The links to the rules are posted in at least three places on Discord, where you are a member. The server rules continually scroll in chat on our game servers. There is also a link to the website that scrolls in chat. From the website you can access the rules page on the forums. The rules page is public. No account is needed to view it.

    You have been active on Discord and playing on our servers for 52.5 hours at the time your ban was placed. That is more than enough time for you to see at least one message scroll in chat or to follow one of the links in Discord. Your ban is a three-day ban and, unless overturned by Georgia, will automatically expire on 2022-08-06 15:39:37.
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