Comments on Profile Post by sammy

  1. Kevie
    We have 16 servers and around 25 staff in all time zones we are generally lucky to have 2 to 3 members of staff on at anyone time and they alone cant manage all 16 by themselves. If you need a staff member please come to our Team Speak 3 server and we will help you. I have personally been on Team speak for the past 48 hours
    Nov 22, 2015
    MelodyZE likes this.
  2. Kevie
    If you need help come to us and you shall recieve.
    Nov 22, 2015
    MelodyZE likes this.
  3. MelodyZE
    what Kev said... exactly what he said, i had mentioned this to you ingame as well, but yes as kev said come to us for help, we will respond very quickly especially on teamspeak
    Nov 22, 2015
  4. sammy
    WHO said you have rights to comment on my stuff!!!
    Nov 22, 2015
  5. MelodyZE
    i will comment on anyone's status or post as i please for assistance and clarification of things related to the servers. thanks
    Nov 22, 2015
    sammy likes this.