Separate names with a comma.
Update: Griefed again, this time half of the base is gone and the sign updated to "Rufus1384 is a dick."
I have posted the pictures as my profile picture
Again I've been griefed and this time i have proof and the person who did it. He left a sign saying "Rufus1384 was here, no one cares. I have...
Al Alright but how do you get into the skybase? Lol
I AGREE! PREACH! At least Pistol Pete still around.
Already did its under the forum of Griefed.
This time things were blown and all my metal containers are gone, so now I'm left with nothing but a house with missing walls. Everyone is pissed....
My base has been griefed again. Every base in my area has been griefed including the northern side of the west (Hank's Base)
I believe the same person that keeps griefing your place just griefed mine and stole all my metal wardrobes and blew up my walls.
So my partner and I's house is 3x3x2 in PvE8, however I see most houses bigger than that. Does this rule still apply or? Cause some people say its...
I don't know how they did it but I'm missing an iron door and inside that door was 2 lockers filled with ammo and guns and its all gone even the...
Waiting for PvE servers to get back up.