Separate names with a comma.
My dad's uncle's nephew's cousin's twice removed sister knows a guy at Bethesda. You're fired from Star Wars!
Happy to have you back! :)
We had a plugin that did exactly this. People would trap other players and kill them, dismantle their structure, and take their loot. We also had...
Can you design me a mashup of Hank Hill and Ron Swanson? <3
Could you elaborate more? Players are not banned on basis of picking up items from the ground after a player dies.
Staff will never clear a base incompletely. You were griefed by a player, not staff.
I'll try to address these the best way I can. We try to keep a vanilla experience on JPH. That said, griefer tools are available. Any game you...
To add to this, however, if on the roof of your residency you decide to place things, it won't be removed. You do risk having easy access...
If you are asking if staff will replace it, no. We don't do replacements. You can ask friends for some bits or kill zombies or play the game and...
Could you elaborate on what you need? I'm confused as to why this was posted.
Please PM Cory on the website.