Insufficient Evidence Grief

Discussion in 'Insufficient Evidence' started by Alpha, Dec 22, 2015.

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  1. my friend and i had built as cool skybase on unturned sever justplayhere pve7 and we were just setting up for a new guy, tfountain99, we came in we fixed him a bed and then i started to camano campground when i noticed that all the cars were bunched together (the cars were a taxi, police car, fire truck and a desert ural). then i heard an explosion a ran back to see what was going to and i see a guy, nildrak (i know this as i chased him down and he eventually ran out of stamina), had thrown a grenade i tried to /home to my bed but it had been destroyed my friend snype was up there and my other friend sickening crunch was below. Then tfountain99 destroyed one of my safes and took my spare c4 out and started blowing it up all our stuff is gone there are still small chunks floor floating in the sky, there were 6 witnesses tfountain99, nildrak, sickening_crunch, snype, myself and a bloke whos name i am unsure of
  2. Man I feel bad for you it's a annoying taking all that time to build a base then some selfish little clowns come and wreck it all for no reason
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